More than 50% of Russian industrial enterprises have not yet found a replacement for imports from the EU and the USA

09:31; 04 September 2024 year

© "Любо-Дорого"

More than 50% of Russian industrial enterprises still state the absence of alternative suppliers in the country to replace imports from the EU and the USA that have fallen under sanctions. This is reported by the RBC publication with reference to the Institute of National Economic Forecasting (INP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to the results of a survey conducted by INP RAS, more than 53% of enterprises stated that there were no alternative suppliers in Russia. However, there are also positive trends, the situation with import substitution has improved slightly in almost two and a half years. For example, in April 2022, representatives of 62% of enterprises spoke about the lack of domestic suppliers capable of replacing sub-sanctioned imports.

At the same time, it is depressing that only 5% of enterprises managed to reduce the cost of production by switching to cheaper analogues of raw materials or components.