Putin: Russian business has learned how to work under sanctions
18 March 15:40
© Тг-канал Никиты Кричевского
- When the institution of self-employment was introduced, it was pointed out among the carrots that the rental housing market would finally come out of the shadows. Shall we check it out?
In 2020, the rental housing market in Russia was estimated at 2.4 trillion rubles per year (with an average rental rate of 35 thousand rubles). For simplicity, we will assume that this is the market today. In 2020, out of 10.6% of households that rented housing, 7.3 percentage points lived with private owners (the rest with companies, the state, and municipalities). Based on the number of households of 52.8 million, their share was 3.9 millionWith a minimum lease of 35 thousand per month (420 thousand rubles per year), the total minimum profit of landlords in the simplest version should have been 1.6 trillion rubles per year. In the 2020 rates.
And the tax on income at the rate of 4% is 65.5 billion rubles. In fact, in 2020, the state collected only 4.5 billion rubles from the self-employed, and in 2024, almost 100 billion rubles. It is naive to assume that in 2024, two thirds of the income tax amount was paid by landlords. This means that the rental housing market has remained in the shadows. However, they believe at the top that the problem of shadow incomes of landlords has been solved," the expert concludes.