The High-Tech Championship has started in Veliky Novgorod

21:09; 17 September 2024 year
Правительство РФ

© Правительство РФ

The High-Tech Championship has started in Veliky Novgorod.137 contestants take part in the competition, including from foreign countries.

At the opening ceremony of the Championship, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that this year the event brought together more than 3 thousand participants from 80 Russian regions and 16 foreign countries.20 leading companies became partners of the event.

"The Championship is a unique platform where children can try themselves in new directions that are in demand by our economy," added the head of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In total, college and technical school students, as well as high school students and young professionals will demonstrate their professional skills and abilities in 12 innovative competencies.