Former Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko was elected Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma

16:26; 17 September 2024 year
Госдума России

© Госдума России

The State Duma at its meeting on September 17 voted for the election of former members of the government to posts in the lower house of the Russian parliament, RBC reports.

In particular, the candidacy of former Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko was supported for the position of deputy speaker of the State Duma. Former Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin was elected to the post of head of the sports committee. The State Duma Committee on Energy was headed by the former head of the Ministry of Energy Nikolai Shulginov.

In addition, deputies of the Russian State Duma have decided on the post of head of the lower house committee on culture, which became vacant after the departure of Elena Yampolskaya. It was occupied by Olga Kazakova, a member of the United Russia faction.