The TFR has initiated about 500 criminal cases related to the defense industry and the state defense order

15:40; 17 September 2024 year

© Следком

In January-August 2024, the RF IC initiated 497 criminal cases on crimes in the field of defense industry and execution of state defense orders. During the same period last year, 357 criminal cases were initiated in this area. Such data was announced by the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, at the last operational meeting.

According to him, the largest number of such criminal cases are being investigated in Moscow, the Moscow, Tula and Samara regions, and Udmurtia, while the IC units in the Ivanovo, Kostroma, Tver and Amur regions demonstrate a lack of aggressiveness in this matter and abuse red tape.

He stressed that in the context of increasing the production of modern types of weapons, the defense industry receives significant financial investments from the budget. In this regard, the likelihood of embezzlement and abuse by officials increases.

Bastrykin instructed his subordinates to intensify work on identifying crimes related to the defense industry and the state defense order, as well as to ensure the timely appointment and production of forensic examinations on them.