Ruskhimalliance has sent new claims to five German banks

10:00; 17 September 2024 year

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The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region received five new lawsuits from the company &Ruschimalliance» against German banks. The relevant information is reflected in the file of arbitration cases.

"The lawsuits are related to the refusal of financial organizations to pay the Russian Chemical Alliance bank guarantees under the contract with Linde, which was interrupted amid sanctions. Thus, the Russian operator of the Ust-Luga gas processing and liquefaction complex construction project has submitted claims to Deutsche Bank, Unicredit Bank, Commerzbank, Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg and Bayerische Landesbank. The details of the claims are not disclosed in the court materials.

Previously &Ruschimalliance» has repeatedly won in court proceedings against its foreign partners. The total amount of penalties for the failed work has already exceeded 1.1 billion euros.