Residents of Russia began to spend more money on trips to restaurants and bars

15:30; 15 September 2024 year
Freepik Company

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In the last two months of this year, the number of purchases in restaurants and bars among residents of Russia increased by 7%. This was reported, in particular, by the RBC publication, referring to data from the analytical resource "Check Index", which is based on information from the operator of fiscal data "OFD platform" (takes into account checks from more than 1.1 million online cash registers). Purchases made in July-August of this year were investigated.

The expenses of Russian residents in restaurants and bars in 16 cities, whose population exceeds 1 million people, were analyzed. Analysts do not give absolute values for the volume of purchases, how many people made purchases and for what amount.More active spending by Russian residents in restaurants and bars may be due to an increase in disposable income, an increase in the number of independent trips around the country, as well as an improvement in the quality of domestic tourism services.

The number of purchases grew the most in Nizhny Novgorod, an increase of 21 percent year-on-year, in Omsk, where the growth was 13 percent and in Novosibirsk, where the growth was 10 percent. In Moscow, the number of purchases decreased: by percent, in St. Petersburg by 4 percent, while the purchase receipt increased significantly.