Rosbank will be transformed into a branch of T-Bank

17:06; 11 September 2024 year

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Rosbank plans to join T-Bank in the format of a branch. This proposal was made to the shareholders by the management of financial organizations included in the structure of the Holding Company.

Such integration, in the opinion of management, will allow the combined structure to "maximize access to capital, realize synergies and significantly reduce costs, including for IT solutions".

This proposal will be considered by the boards of directors of the two banks on September 13, 2024. The final decision will remain with the shareholders of the banks. The integration process is planned to be completed during the first quarter of 2025.

T-Bank, after joining Rosbank as a branch, will rise to fifth place in terms of household funds (2.1 trillion rubles) and fourth in terms of the size of the loan portfolio of individuals (1.9 trillion rubles). Its capital will grow to 500 billion rubles.