Attacks by Ukrainian UAVs have a negative impact on the shares of Russian oil companies

10:27; 11 September 2024 year
ЛУКОЙЛ | Новости | Вакансии

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"p> Drone attacks from Ukraine on the territory of Russia are becoming more widespread and causing serious damage. About 150 UAVs have already participated in them twice. Often, the targets of Ukrainian drones in Russia are oil infrastructure facilities, storage facilities, factories, and highways. These attacks, as Forbes writes, have an impact, although not critical, on the oil and fuel market inside Russia. Many refineries were forced to stand idle after the strikes.

In particular, the industry stock index of oil and gas has fallen by more than 17% since the beginning of the year. This indicator includes shares of Lukoil, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Tatneft;, «Bashneft», «Transneft», «Russneft», as well as gas companies — «Gazprom» and &Novatek». The Moscow Stock Exchange index has decreased by 13.8% during this time. /p>

Lukoil suffers the most from these attacks, » areas affected by drone strikes, it accounts for 65% of oil refining volumes. The facilities of Surgutneftegaz, Tatneft and Gazprom Neft, whose enterprises have already been attacked and which are at risk by location, also suffered from attacks.