Ai-95 on the stock exchange dropped in price below 70 thousand rubles per ton

16:52; 10 September 2024 year

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The exchange price of Ai-95 gasoline on September 10 fell by 2.89% to 69.297 thousand rubles per ton. This is evidenced by the data of the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange.

The last time the Ai-95 cost less than 70 thousand rubles was in July 2024.

At the same time, Ai-92 gasoline fell in price to 60,447 thousand rubles per ton (-2.14%), the cost of summer diesel decreased to 61,188 thousand rubles per ton (-0.99%), heating oil - to 27,291 thousand rubles per ton (-2.02%), jet fuel - to 81,826 thousand rubles per ton (-0.04%), liquefied petroleum gases - up to 39,479 thousand rubles per ton (-0.51%).