Car manufacturers from Japan and Europe that left Russia will not return to the Russian market

10:04; 10 September 2024 year
Правительство России

© Правительство России

Foreign car companies that left Russia after the start of their operations in Ukraine are unlikely to be able to return to the Russian market, despite the options they have concluded. This is reported by the newspaper Vedomosti with reference to the former Minister of Industry, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov. According to Manturov, other companies, primarily from China, have already taken their place in the market. First of all, we are talking about Germany, France, Italy and Japan.

Recall that after February 2022, many Western companies from various industries massively signed agreements on withdrawal from Russian assets with options for repayment for up to six years.There are some among car manufacturers, but their return to Russia is unlikely.

It is known that the export of Chinese cars to Russia in 2022-2023 increased more than sevenfold, to 11.5 billion dollars at the end of last year. By the end of 2023, China became the largest exporter of cars in the world, overtaking the historical leader, Japan, which just lost the Russian market.