The latest issue of FBJ: the main thing

© Генеральный директор ООО «Компания Бентонит» Александр Ветюгов
The editorial staff devoted the key interview of the September issue of the Federal Business Magazine to a unique production niche based on mineral raw materials. Only a few producers in the Russian Federation are able to extract and process it at the proper level. Meanwhile, the demand for this component is formed by the basic and strategic sectors of the Russian economy.
For example, it is used in the disposal of radioactive waste and the conservation of nuclear, radiation-hazardous facilities, in the oil and gas sector, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals and medicine. It is extremely in demand when laying subways and tunnels, drilling oil wells, construction, paint and varnish production, agriculture and even in everyday life – when caring for pets. Such a wide application obliges manufacturers of bentonite, which is the name of this unique mineral in its properties, to meet the requirements of each individual industry.The range of companies that can solve such technological problems in Russia is extremely limited. The leading player in this segment has been Bentonite Group for a quarter of a century. Today, the holding has 13 manufacturing and trading enterprises, two institutes located in Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The raw material base includes ten deposits of bentonite clays and one of limestone, the total reserves of bentonite amount to 113 million tons, and sales volume exceeds 800 thousand tons per year.
Plant LLC &KZPM» in Krasnodar Territory.
Are Russian companies able to provide the domestic industry with such in-demand raw materials, what are the features of the bentonite market, what are the specifics of its extraction and processing? Alexander Vetyugov, CEO of Bentonite Company LLC, answers the questions of the FBJ editorial board. Read the full version of his interview in the September issue, which is already available to subscribers and will appear on our website very soon.