Anton Alikhanov believes that the production in the ferrous metallurgy in Russia will demonstrate "doc-like" values

16:01; 04 September 2024 year


The Russian manufacturing industry has been showing high growth rates for the second year, despite external and internal challenges. This was reported to Interfax by the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Anton Alikhanov.

According to Anton Alikhanov, the Russian industry continues its growth despite serious logistical difficulties, payment difficulties, and the need to look for new sales markets is imposed on the high cost of borrowed funds. 

- I think that by the end of the year, production in the ferrous metallurgy will demonstrate at least its "docklike" values, – Anton Alikhanov said, - in 2023, when the manufacturing industry was able to demonstrate an 8.6% annual growth expression.

According to the Russian minister, investments in fixed assets increased by 19.2% over the same period, and managed to be maintained this year. In the first seven months of this year, the manufacturing industry repeated the indicator of 2023 (plus 8.6%), and capital expenditures for the first half of the year increased by another 24.7% compared to the same period of the previous year.