The defendants in the corruption case of former Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov have become known

17:34; 31 August 2024 year
Министерство обороны России

© Министерство обороны России

Employees of the central office of the IC of the Russian Federation opened a case of bribery and abuse of authority after researching contracts for construction work for the needs of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. This is reported by the press service of the RF IC. Three people are involved in the case. The Deputy Minister of Defense, General Dmitry Bulgakov, was previously arrested due to violations at this facility.

As the UK website reports, a criminal case has been initiated under Articles 290 and 285.4 of the Criminal Code (bribery and abuse of official authority in the execution of a state defense order). Three employees of military construction organizations are involved in this case.

It is known from the case materials that it concerns the adjustment of project documentation and the completion of construction and installation works of the buildings of the multidisciplinary clinic of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in St. Petersburg. Recall that Dmitry Bulgakov, Deputy Minister of Defense for the Rear, was arrested earlier, he is charged with the fact that the general involved in repair work in the amount of 250 million rubles a company controlled by himself, Neva-Balt SPb LLC.

According to the preliminary version of the investigation, the general director of a commercial firm transferred a bribe to representatives of a military construction company acting as part of the organized criminal group for approving submitted applications for advance work, failure to take measures on identified violations during construction, as well as general patronage, which led to the unjustified advance payment to a construction organization.

As «Kommersant» wrote at the time, the contracts concerned the provision of energy inspection services for indoor and outdoor lighting systems of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. These contracts became the reason for the initiation of a fraud case, the defendants of which are General Dmitry Bulgakov, CEO of Neva-Balt SPb LLC German Yakovlev and a former classmate of Deputy Defense Minister Gennady Seleznev. All of them are being held in a criminal case of fraud on a particularly large scale. The company LLC Neva-Balt SPb carried out work at an inflated cost, for which it was paid an advance in the amount of 50 million rubles.