Prices for new buildings in Russia fell the most in the Tula and Samara regions

13:30; 22 August 2024 year
Freepik Company

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After the completion of the preferential mortgage, prices for new buildings in Russia began to fall. Over the past month and a half, new buildings have fallen the most in price in the Tula region, where prices have fallen by more than 8%. This is reported by the RBC website with reference to an analytical study by Yandex Real Estate.

In particular, this study reports that prices for new buildings in Russia decreased the most from July to August in the Tula region, where they fell by 8.7% relative to the beginning of July, to 116 thousand rubles per square meter.

The Samara region is in second place in the ranking of falling prices for new buildings. New buildings here have fallen in price by 3.5%, to 110 thousand rubles per square meter.The Ivanovo region is in third place, where housing has fallen in price by 2%, where one square meter costs 99 thousand rubles.lei.

The fourth place went to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, where prices for new buildings decreased by 1.7%, to 203 thousand rubles per square meter.

The fifth place was taken by Moscow and the Moscow region, where prices for new buildings decreased by an average of 1%, one square meter costs 286 thousand rubles. Next are the Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and Tomsk regions. There, the reduction in the price of one square meter was less than 1%, prices fell by 0.9-07%.