A frenzied work rhythm and its consequences for health. How to get back in line quickly?
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A modern person performs many professional and everyday tasks 24/7, at the most crucial stages life becomes like an endless pipeline of cases, calls and meetings. Success in business often requires serious efforts, and this leads to constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue and other health problems. Our body just needs regular recharging and recovery time.
Physiotherapist of the LUCIANO Medical Wellness Center Hasanova Guzal Niyazovna:
How does an overly busy schedule and constant fatigue affect a person? Lack of sleep impairs memory and concentration. Frequent stress increases the risk of hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. The immune system weakens, making the body more susceptible to infections and diseases. Physical pain and fatigue negatively affect mental health, causing irritability, depression and anxiety. If a person sleeps very little, the body does not have time to recover, which affects performance and overall well-being. As a result, if you work too much without rest, there will come a time when labor efficiency will begin to decrease, even despite the increase in working hours.
In such a situation, there is one right decision: try to come to a balance and have enough rest. Moreover, it is important to devote time to yourself and during each day, and plan a full rest throughout the year. You need to set aside a few weeks in which you can forget about work and the whole routine, take care of your health and hobbies.
In Kazan, the LUCIANO complex has proven to be a great place to relax (sew up the link), which is located in the city center and offers a wide range of wellness programs of various duration and content. The complexes of procedures are aimed at achieving tangible results in a short time. Detox, intensive, reboot, healthy longevity, relaxation, aesthetics. The purpose of all these programs is to quickly restore strength and return a person to effective work, as well as develop useful habits. Before starting the program, specialists will diagnose so that all procedures and prescriptions are beneficial. The menu, developed by nutritionists, complies with all norms of vitamins and minerals to restore energy. Physical exercises, spa and medical procedures, work with a psychologist – all this, combined with staying in a comfortable room of a five-star hotel, will definitely help to restore strength and support the immune system.
LUCIANO has assembled a large team of professionals to combat your chronic fatigue and return to your usual rhythm even after serious difficulties. We believe that taking care of your health and timely recovery is the key to success in any field of activity.