Russia may be left without domestic LEDs and lamps in 2025

15:02; 15 July 2024 year
Freepik Company

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Starting from 2025, Russia may be left without domestic LEDs and lamps, said Olga Grekova, CEO of the Association of Manufacturers of LEDs and Systems Based on Them (APSS). Her words are quoted by the newspaper  «Vedomosti».

According to Grekova, the problem is explained by the fact that the production of enclosures and light-emitting semiconductor crystals, which from 2025 will become necessary for the recognition of LEDs as domestic, has not yet been mass-produced in Russia. In addition, it costs 7-8 times more to deploy such production in Russia than abroad, and imports are much cheaper.

While the LED production capacity is in China, from where the main import of LEDs comes from. Most Russian companies buy crystals and cases abroad, and the assembly is carried out in Russia.