The amount of the bribe received by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov became known

21:09; 02 July 2024 year


The amount of the bribe imputed to the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Timur Ivanov has become known, according to the latest data, it exceeds the astronomical amount of 1,185 billion rubles. This is reported by TASS with reference to its sources in law enforcement agencies.

During the preliminary investigation, in particular, it was established that Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov and other defendants and unidentified persons, acting as an organized group, in the period from about October 24, 2018 to December 31, 2023, personally received from the co-founder of LLC «Olympic Committee&and other unidentified representatives of this commercial organization, unidentified representatives of LLC Oboronspetsstroy, a bribe in an especially large amount in the form of illegal provision of property services to them for a total amount of at least 1,185 billion rubles. It is possible that this amount includes the construction of luxury real estate for an official in several places.

This bribe was intended for the Deputy Minister to commit actions in favor of companies and their representatives, which Timur Ivanov facilitated by virtue of his official position.Part of the money illegally received by Timur Ivanov was accumulated by the defendants in the case on settlement accounts in various credit institutions.

Recall that Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov was detained at his workplace by FSB officers and arrested at the end of April, he later resigned and was charged under Article 290 (Receiving a particularly large bribe») The Criminal Code OF the Russian Federation.If the charges are proven, given the size of the bribe, he faces up to 15 years in prison.