Russia may create a Russian-Belarusian cluster

21:34; 08 March 2025 year

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Bashkiria will submit to the State Duma a bill on the 49-year-old Russian-Belarusian cluster, informs RBC.

On March 6, Mikhail Izotov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the region, presented a draft law on the creation of the Russian-Belarusian Investment Cluster (RosBelIK).

The cluster will make it possible to fully unleash the raw materials and industrial potential of Russia and Belarus, will contribute to the development of high-tech and manufacturing industries, the production of new types of products and the formation of an attractive environment for investors.

There will be equivalent shares of Russia and Belarus in the management company of the future cluster. Residents will receive tax benefits and a number of other preferences. Support measures for cluster members will be mirrored in both countries. The volume of investments of residents in projects may amount to about 55 billion rubles.