Ai-92 lost 6% in a week on the stock exchange, Ai-95 - 3%

17:00; 14 February 2025 year
картинка сгенерирована ИИ

© картинка сгенерирована ИИ

Stock prices for Ai-92 and Ai-95 gasoline decreased by 6% and 3%, respectively, over the past week. This is evidenced by the data of the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange.

Thus, the exchange price of Ai-92 gasoline over the past week reached 53.36 thousand rubles per ton (-6.3%), Ai-95 - 57.44 thousand rubles per ton (-2.8%). A week earlier, these fuels had increased in price by almost 8%.

Also during the week, summer diesel (-1.8%, to 55.74 thousand rubles per ton), off-season diesel (-3.8%, to 56.14 thousand rubles per ton), winter diesel (-4.7%, to 57.2 thousand rubles per ton), jet fuel (-0.4%, to 81.79 thousand rubles per ton), heating oil (-2.1%, up to 30.75 thousand rubles per ton), liquefied petroleum gases (-4.9%, up to 18.83 thousand rubles per ton).