The Central Bank explained why it returned to issuing paper 5 and 10 rubles.

09:54; 07 February 2025 year
картинка сгенерирована ИИ

© картинка сгенерирована ИИ

The Central Bank explained the reason for the return to printing of 5-ruble and 10-ruble banknotes. The answers to the questions of Telegram users are published on the official channel of the regulator.

As explained by the Central Bank, banknotes in denominations of 5 and 10 rubles were in great demand in the noughties, but they quickly wore out, and therefore it was decided to gradually replace them with more durable coins. Now the situation has changed, it is more convenient for people to use paper money, which takes up less space in their wallet and, unlike coins, does not settle in piggy banks.

The Central Bank resumed printing 5-ruble and 10-ruble banknotes in 2022. For greater durability, they are additionally coated with a protective varnish. At the same time, printing paper banknotes is less expensive than minting coins, and paper banknotes are also easier to transport.