In January 2025, the number of private investors on the Moscow Stock Exchange exceeded 35.5 million, an increase of 389,000 in a month. These investors opened a total of 65.4 million accounts, and transactions were concluded by about 3.8 million people.
In January, private investors invested a record 104 billion rubles in bonds on the stock market, of which 80.2 billion rubles were in corporate securities, and 23.8 billion rubles were in federal loan bonds and regional bonds. An interesting fact is that investors sold 4.6 billion rubles more shares than they bought, and sales of shares of exchange-traded funds exceeded purchases by 29.8 billion rubles.
The share of private investors in the trading volume of stocks was 76%, bonds 34%, and in the futures market 66%.
The most popular securities in the portfolios of private investors were ordinary and preferred shares of Sberbank (30.7% and 6.9%, respectively), shares of LUKOIL (14.7%), Gazprom (13.7%), Rosneft (6.7%), preferred shares of Surgutneftegaz (6%), shares of T-Technologies (5.9%), Yandex (5.7%), Norilsk Nickel (5.1%) and Polyus (4.6%).
The top 5 Russian mutual funds in the portfolios of private investors include money market investment funds LQDT, SBMM, AKMM, BCSD and AMNR (40,3%, 23,0%, 18,6%, 2,2% and 2.1%, respectively).