The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation has identified industries for which floating-rate loans will be available

10:16; 04 February 2025 year
картинка сгенерирована ИИ

© картинка сгенерирована ИИ

The Government of the Russian Federation has established a list of industries for which there will be no restrictions on floating loan rates. This list includes: construction, warehousing, hotel business, rental and leasing, sanatorium and resort services.

According to the decision, microenterprises from these industries will be able to borrow without restrictions on the use of a floating rate. This measure, in particular, was adopted to support housing construction, retailers and the hotel industry.

The government noted that most often projects in these areas are implemented on the basis of separate, specially created organizations, often microenterprises. It is beneficial for them to take loans at floating rates, which reduces the risk of their possible increase. Today, for example, the fixed interest rate on loans for developers reaches 27-28% per annum, while the floating rate remains at 20%.;