Overview of money market rates

16:32; 03 February 2025 year
ООО Региональные новости

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The RUONIA rate, to which coupons of a significant part of exchange-traded float bonds are linked, is 20.68%.

RUONIA (Ruble OverNight Index Average) is the interest rate at which banks lend to each other overnight, effectively for one day.

The RUONIA rate is calculated daily as the average value of transactions of 35 major Russian banks and is regularly published on the website of the Bank of Russia.

The rate of RUSFAR ON RUB (overnight in rubles) is 20.43%.

RUSFAR ON CNY (overnight in Yuan) -0.55%.

The rate of RUSFAR 1M for one month is 20.93%.

The RUSFAR 3M rate for three months is 21.93%.

Note that RUSFAR rates are an indicator of the value of secured money and the profitability of money market funds.

The RUSFAR (Russian Secured Funding Average Rate) is the average rate for REPO transactions with a Central Counterparty concluded over a certain period of time.

The RUSFAR rate has been recognized by the Bank of Russia as meeting the requirements for financial indicators.

More than 200 participants connected to the KSU REPO generate market rates in an anonymous unaddressed mode for standard terms: ON, 1W, 2W, 1M, 3M.

There are also 20 market makers that support quotes.

It can be said that the money market expects the key rate to be above 21 percent. This is confirmed by the money market rates: RUONIA and RUSFAR.

The review was presented by Alexey Grishchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Operational and Industry Management at the Graduate School of Management of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.