By the end of 2024, 188.14 million dal of alcoholic beverages were produced in Russia (excluding beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead). In annual terms, the decrease was 1.8%. This is reported by Rosalokoltabakcontrol.
At the same time, the production of low-alcohol products decreased by 56.1% over the year, to 9.8 million dal, grape-containing beverages without ethyl alcohol - by 64.8%, to 199.6 thousand dal, fruit products based on alcohol - by 50.4%, to 5.87 million dal.
The production of spirits (above 9%) increased by 8% over the past year, to 120.9 million dal: grape wines - by 8.6%, to 32.56 million dal, liqueur wines - by 29.6%, to 1.13 million dal, champagne - by 24.7%, grape-containing beverages with ethyl alcohol - by 26.7%, to 47.1 thousand dal, to 17.61 million dal, vodka - by 3%, to 82.8 million dal, alcoholic beverages - by 28.6%, to 18.14 million dal, cognac - by 10.2%, to 9.66 million dal, other alcoholic beverages - by 19.6%, to 10.33 million dal.