In Russia, the production of low-alcohol products decreased by more than 50%

11:45; 16 January 2025 year
картинка сгенерирована ИИ

© картинка сгенерирована ИИ

By the end of 2024, 188.14 million dal of alcoholic beverages were produced in Russia (excluding beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead). In annual terms, the decrease was 1.8%. This is reported by Rosalokoltabakcontrol.

At the same time, the production of low-alcohol products decreased by 56.1% over the year, to 9.8 million dal, grape-containing beverages without ethyl alcohol - by 64.8%, to 199.6 thousand dal, fruit products based on alcohol - by 50.4%, to 5.87 million dal.

The production of spirits (above 9%) increased by 8% over the past year, to 120.9 million dal: grape wines - by 8.6%, to 32.56 million dal, liqueur wines - by 29.6%, to 1.13 million dal, champagne - by 24.7%, grape-containing beverages with ethyl alcohol - by 26.7%, to 47.1 thousand dal, to 17.61 million dal, vodka - by 3%, to 82.8 million dal, alcoholic beverages - by 28.6%, to 18.14 million dal, cognac - by 10.2%, to 9.66 million dal, other alcoholic beverages - by 19.6%, to 10.33 million dal.