Reshetnikov explained the fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate by factors of a "speculative nature"

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In Russia, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar and the euro will return to its fundamental values after the nervousness in the market stops. This opinion was voiced by the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, the publication reports href="https://www.vedomosti.ru/economics/articles/2024/11/29/1078114-reshetnikov-ne-uvidel-prichin-dlya-oslableniya-rublya">«Vedomosti»/a>.
The fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate that were recorded during this week, Reshetnikov explained «one-time factors », including those that are «speculative in nature».
He stressed that the trade balance in October corresponded to $11.8 billion, which is 8% higher than last year, and since the beginning of the year, the growth was 14% compared to the same period in 2023.He noted the high volatility in the financial market, which leads to noticeable fluctuations in the exchange rate in the event of additional currency inflows or increased demand for it. To solve this problem, the Central Bank suspended the purchase of foreign currency within the framework of the budget rule.