Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin discussed the problems of statistics in Russia at the strategic session

15:56; 17 September 2024 year
Правительство России

© Правительство России

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin held a strategic session on the Development of state Statistics on September 17. This is reported by the website of the Government of the Russian Federation. At it, he discussed the problems of processing and accessibility of large amounts of data.

At the session, the Head of government stressed that official statistics are currently the main source of information for assessing the social and economic situation, shaping government policy and making managerial decisions. Thanks to the analysis of large statistical data, a complete picture of what is happening in the country is formed, which helps to better understand the needs of people, gives entrepreneurs tools to improve the quality of strategic planning, on which the sustainability and competitiveness of companies depend.

"Our main task is to ensure the objectivity and timeliness of statistics," Mikhail Mishustin stressed, "it is necessary to monitor any changes in the economy as quickly as possible and respond immediately to changes in circumstances. Especially in the face of unprecedented sanctions pressure.

According to Mikhail Mishustin, despite the growing number of sources and types of data, it is important that people can now use reliable information. To identify, systematize and update it, technological processes for collecting and processing information are being improved, including using advanced IT solutions.

Starting from 2023, a statistical platform based on a unified methodology and digital infrastructure will be gradually introduced in Russia. Nevertheless, there is a problem of the need to complete the development of all its key components and ensure smooth operation. The government of the country pays special attention to information analysis systems based on artificial intelligence. They help not only to get more accurate information, but also to analyze it in real time, which makes it possible to make quick decisions.

To increase the speed of statistics generation, a number of steps are planned: a) it is planned to switch to unified classifiers and reference books, b) barriers to data exchange between departments will be removed, c) the reporting system is being transformed to optimize the provision of information.

Recall that back in July of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that will significantly reduce the reporting burden on small enterprises. Reducing the administrative burden on business remains a priority for the Government of the country. According to Mikhail Mishustin, the draft strategy for the development of Rosstat and the state statistics system for the next 6 years has already been prepared.