Mishustin: the draft strategy for the development of Rosstat and the state statistics system until 2030 is ready

15:40; 17 September 2024 year

© Кремль

A project for the development of Rosstat and the system of state statistics for the next 6 years has been prepared. This was stated by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin as part of a strategic session on the Development of state statistics.

The Head of Government noted that official statistics are the main source for assessing the social and economic situation. Thanks to the analysis of big data, a complete picture of what is happening in the country is being formed.

«Our main task – is to ensure the objectivity and timeliness of statistics. It is necessary to monitor any changes in the economy as quickly as possible and respond immediately to changes in circumstances. Especially − in the face of unprecedented sanctions pressure», – Mishustin said.

Since last year, a statistical platform based on a unified methodology and digital infrastructure has been gradually implemented. It is emphasized that special attention is paid to information analysis systems based on artificial intelligence, which helps not only to obtain the most accurate information, but also to analyze it quickly for operational decision-making.

The session outlined the main steps to increase the speed of statistics generation, including the transition to unified classifiers and reference books, the elimination of barriers to data exchange between departments, as well as the transformation of the reporting system.

Earlier it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that significantly reduces the administrative burden on small businesses.