Russia has reduced exports of fish products by 13% in eight months

13:20; 17 September 2024 year

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Russia exported about 1.1 million tons of fish products in January-August this year, which is 13% less when compared with the figure for the same period last year. This was stated by the assistant head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Artem Daushev at the international fisheries forum in St. Petersburg.

They stressed that Russian fish products have access to more than 270 countries, and in fact supplies go to 51 countries.

"Since 2022, we have gained access to nine new countries, and since the previous forum, since September 2023, access has been gained to four new countries - Namibia, Syria, Mexico and Kuwait," he says.

Daushev stressed that despite the fact that the European Union is an unfriendly association, the Netherlands continues to receive Russian products. In the first 8 months of 2024, the country purchased about 75 thousand tons of fish products in the Russian Federation.

According to Daushev, the main volume of deliveries in 2024 fell on China - 629 thousand tons. A year ago, the figure was 670 thousand tons. Supplies to the Republic of Korea have also decreased - to 247 thousand tons from 365 thousand tons in 2023.

According to the Rosselkhoznadzor, about half of fish exports are pollock. And almost 90% of fish products are transported by water, the rest by road.