Russian citizen Denis Postovoy was detained in the United States, he is accused of smuggling and exporting dual-use technologies

09:30; 17 September 2024 year
Freepik Company

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Russian citizen Denis Postovoy has been detained in the United States on charges of violating the Export Control Act. According to the American Ministry of Justice, Denis Postovoy, bypassing restrictions, exported dual-use microelectronics to Russia, which can be used in the production of UAVs.

According to the publication &Kommersant», 44-year-old Denis Postovoy was detained in Sarasota, Florida, where he lived for several years, engaged in commercial activities. He is charged with violating the Export Control Reform Act, smuggling, money laundering and fraud against the United States. According to the US fiscal authorities, the Russian businessman exported dual-use technologies to Russia, they could be used in the production of UAVs, including military ones. To judge how reliable such information is. it is difficult, since the Guard has been doing his business for a long time, without causing anyone any questions.

It is known from open sources that Denis Postovoy managed a large network of companies in Russia, Hong Kong and other countries. They were needed to send microelectronics to Russia through other territories, including Hong Kong and Switzerland.

Recall that at the beginning of September this year, 8 thousand 857 Russian citizens were detained in foreign countries, many of them on political charges.