Ministry of Industry and Trade: about 350 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of robotics

12:27; 16 September 2024 year

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"The authorities plan to allocate almost 350 billion rubles for the federal project "Development of industrial robotics and production automation". This is reported by Kommersant with reference to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

It is noted that the authorities plan to support the industry with subsidies for the technical re-equipment of enterprises, as well as preferential leasing and loans.

lt;p>In each federal district, they expect to create centers for the development of industrial robotics. It is also planned to identify those places in the manufacturing industry that can be robotized.

According to Olga Mudrova, Executive Director of the National Association of Robotics Market Participants, the number of industrial robots will be increased several times if the federal project is fully operational. At the moment, about 1.5 thousand industrial robots are installed per year, and their main consumer is the manufacturing industry, where the shortage of workers is estimated at 400 thousand people.

Previously, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation MikhailMishustin spoke about a new national project for the development of robotics.

It was also reported that 300 billion rubles will be invested in robotics for machine tool construction by 2030.