The production of grain whiskey is growing rapidly in Russia

09:50; 16 September 2024 year
Freepik Company

© Freepik Company

In Russia, the popularity of such little-known spirits as grain whiskey is growing. In 2024, its production in the country increased by more than 30 percent.

As RBC writes, citing its sources, the volume of grain whiskey production in Russia in 2024 has already amounted to 2&2.5 million dal, which is a third more than in 2023.

In total, 8.2 million decaliters of whiskey were sold in Russia last year, 6.7 million decaliters in 2022, and 6.8 million decaliters in 2021. The volume of production of grain Russian whiskey in 2022 amounted to 1.1 million dal, in 2023 1.6 million dal.

«Grain whiskey» is called whiskey obtained from unsalted grain and distilled by continuous distillation. The key feature here is that 100% malt is not required for the production of grain whiskey, but unsalted grain can be used. In addition, whiskey is distilled in continuous distillation columns.