According to the forecast of the Ministry of Energy in 2025, a number of industrial sectors in Russia are waiting for a decrease in growth rates

08:36; 16 September 2024 year
Freepik Company

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As calculated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in a number of manufacturing industries in the country in 2025 there will be a decrease in growth rates after a small boom in 2023&2024. This is reported by the RBC publication.

In particular, in 2025, the growth rate of industrial production in Russia will slow down by half, to percent after four percent in 2024. In manufacturing, the decline will be much more significant, from a 7 percent increase in 2024 to 2.9 percent in 2025. A multiple decrease in growth rates can occur in the production of finished metal products, computers and electronic products, vehicles and equipment. A significant drop can be expected in the military-industrial complex and the import substitution sector.

Recall that by the end of 2023, the increase in industrial production in Russia amounted to 4.1 percent, while the output of extractive industries decreased by 1.3 percent, and manufacturing industries increased by 8.6 percent.