Experts predict a two-fold slowdown in wage growth in 2025

08:34; 16 September 2024 year

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The growth of nominal wages in Russia in 2025 will slow down by half compared to the previous period - up to 9%. This is reported by the publication with reference to the data of the macroeconomic forecast of the Central Bank. href=""> «News».

It is expected that according to the results of 2024, the growth of nominal salaries in the Russian Federation will amount to 16%, the average earnings will reach 89 thousand rubles. The dynamics for this period will show the maximum since 2008. In 2023, the average nominal salary was about 75 thousand rubles. Year-on-year growth of 15%.

Experts predict that in 2026 and 2027, wage growth will continue to slow down to 7% and 6.6%, respectively.

Real wage growth by the end of 2024 is projected at 7.3%, followed by a slowdown to 3% and 2.3% in 2025-2027.