The European Union will have to abandon its political ambitions due to the energy problem

19:29; 14 September 2024 year
Freepik Company

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The countries of the European Union (EU) have become hostages of imported raw materials and technologies, because of this they will not be able to be a full-fledged player on the world stage. This was stated, in particular, by the former head of the European Central Bank and former Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi, his words are quoted by Reuters.

According to Mario Draghi, the EU countries will no longer be able to lead in technology and be an independent player on the world stage, and the European Union will have to abandon almost all its political ambitions on this topic.

According to the former Italian Prime Minister, spending on energy imports in the European Union increased from 341 billion euros in 2019 to 416 billion euros in 2023. Due to rising energy prices, the EU is becoming more vulnerable in the context of economic competition from the United States and China. The situation was particularly aggravated in 2022-2024 due to the introduction of thousands of economic sanctions against Russia.

In addition, such dependence on energy imports threatens the European military-industrial complex (MIC) and plans for its further development. Due to the sharp rise in the cost of energy, military-industrial complex products are becoming more and more expensive and the increase in military production costs gives little in the end.