Car market experts predict a sharp rise in prices for used cars from October

12:02; 13 September 2024 year

© freepi

In October of this year, used cars on the Russian market may rise in price from 15 to 30%. This forecast was announced by representatives of services for the sale of used cars, the publication reports href="">«News».

So, in the budget segment, the price increase for used cars is projected to be within 5&7%, and in the premium segment, a more tangible increase is not excluded - up to 30% and above.

Market experts explain their concerns about the sharp rise in prices for used cars by an increase in demand, which will follow an even sharper rise in prices for new cars.

The market expects that from October 1, 2024 in Russia, scrap collection will be increased by 70&85%. Currently, for new cars with an engine up to 3 liters, the salvage fee is about 850 thousand rubles, after the expected increase, the salvage fee for the same car will be more than 1.5 million rubles.