The first international TOP will be built in the Far East

09:26; 05 September 2024 year
Баннер Росконгресс

© Баннер Росконгресс

During the WEF plenary session, President Putin spoke about the creation of the first international TOP. According to him, she will appear in the Primorsky Territory.

The State Duma and the government are dealing with all the necessary legislative framework.

— Chinese friends are showing great interest in it (the international TOP project), as well as Belarus, with whose participation a new deep-water port may appear in Primorye. I ask the State Duma and the government of the Russian Federation to speed up work on the draft law necessary to launch international TORS," Vladimir Putin said.

Earlier, the president pointed out the importance of the Far Eastern region, noting that when the main business ties, trade routes and, in general, the entire vector of development is more reoriented to the East and the global South, our Far Eastern regions provide direct access to growing, promising markets, allow us to overcome those barriers that some Western elites are trying to impose on the whole world.