The EU plans to abandon Russian aluminum and LNG as part of the 16th package of sanctions.
15 January 08:22
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Russia can benefit from global warming, not lose at all. Experts from the INP RAS estimated the benefit of the country from warming by only 1 degree of heat at 1.2 trillion rubles.
In particular, such estimates are given in the report of the Center for "Climate Policy and the Economy of Russia" of the Institute of National Economic Forecasting (INP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is cited by the publication RBC. The total benefit from an increase in temperature by only 1 degree will be equivalent to 0.7% of GDP recorded by Rosstat at the end of 2023 (172.148 trillion rubles at current prices, excluding data for four new regions).This will mainly come from increasing agricultural productivity, expanding arable land, increasing grain harvest, freeing the Northern Sea Route from ice, and increasing the area of forests. Although negative consequences are possible, warming leads to buildings and structures being damaged and destroyed due to floods, permafrost is melting, landslides, mudslides occur, and wind gusts increase.