Who is behind the pogrom of Orthodoxy in Ukraine? Part 3. The "Think Tank" of the split

17:01; 22 August 2024 year

© "Миртесен"

We continue our study of how US government and non-governmental structures worked on the split of Orthodoxy in Ukraine. In this part, I would like to talk about those who develop the main part of the plans. For the previous parts, see here and here.

Of particular interest in our research is the Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace and International Relations with an annual budget of more than $1 billion. The Center is the main expert, academic and coordinating platform of the U.S. government dedicated to studying the role of religion in world politics and international relations. The Berkeley Center was founded by the office of President George W. Bush in 2006 at Georgetown University, which has Jesuit origins. The heads of the Berkeley Center's research programs are former employees of various departments of the U.S. Department of State, as well as such leading scientific experts as Jose Casanova, Katherine Marshall, Jocelyne Cesari. It was on the basis of this Center that the strategy for promoting religious freedom as a global political project was largely formed and continues to be developed. In 2006, the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD), a British NGO founded in 1998 by the President of the World Bank and the Archbishop of Canterbury (spiritual head of the Church of England), was transferred to the Berkeley Center and re-registered as an American organization. This organization has become a meeting place for religious leaders and international organizations. Since 2021, the Berkeley Center has also begun to coordinate the Transatlantic Strategic Network on Religion and Diplomacy and the influential online resource Religion and Diplomacy belonging to it.

Back in 2008, the Berkeley Center, together with the Institute for Global Engagement, held three major expert conferences entitled "Religious Freedom and US Foreign Policy: Summing up, looking to the future", which analyzed the ten-year US activities to promote religious freedom in the world. Based on their results, a report edited by Thomas Farr and Denis Hoover was released for the presidential administration of George W. Bush.; The future of U.S. policy on international religious freedom. Among the main recommendations of this report were the need for more active use of diplomatic resources to promote religious freedom and the mandatory inclusion of the topic of religious freedom as one of the main points in all programs for the development of democracy in the world. In addition, the report noted that it is necessary to change the global perception of religious freedom as an isolated humanitarian problem.; It is an essential component of a stable liberal democracy. The report paid special attention, of course, to the Russian Orthodox Church, which was presented as a serious obstacle to the establishment of a democratic regime in Russia, and emphasized its negative role in Ukraine, which needs to be done to reduce the influence of the ROC.

The project "Geopolitics of the Soft Power of Religion", implemented by the Berkeley Center in collaboration with the Brookings Institution, represents the first systematic study of the possibilities of using religion in foreign policy. Close attention in this project is again paid to Russia and the ROC: Recognizing that the international initiatives of the Russian Orthodox Church reflect the goals of the Kremlin, politicians should carefully study the activities of the Church and interaction with civil society and government representatives in order to identify and minimize the possibilities of Kremlin influence and interference. Again, we see that the experts from Berkeley do not like the ROC MP to heartburn, and they throw all their strength into fighting it.

One of the ideologists of the creation of the PCU is Jose Casanova. Berkeley Photo Center

It was journalists and experts working with the Berkeley Center who actively assisted in the implementation of the schismatic projects of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Ukraine – the PCU and the UOC-KP, supported the UGCC, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. For example, at the end of 2022, the Berkeley Center published an analysis on the religious situation in Ukraine. The authors of the report are Ukrainian specialists working at the European Center for Strategic Analysis (ESCA), Tatyana Kalenichenko and Denis Brylov. The authors analyzed in detail the failures of the OCU in Ukraine and gave advice to the schismatic episcopate on how best to adjust their policy in order to attract the flock, what the leadership of the OCU should do to take the position of the "united canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church". The Berkeley authors advised the clergy of the OCU to encourage the participation of believers from different churches in joint social projects and to encourage groups of activists attending liturgies in churches of the enemy; jurisdictions, switch to working with lay people and building horizontal links between parishes. It is not for nothing that one of the propagandists of religious pluralism and a prominent ideologist of the creation of the PCU is Jose Casanova, an influential religious scholar and sociologist of religion who has worked on Ukrainian topics for a long time. Jose Casanova is the head of the program on Globalization, Religion and Secularity at the Berkeley Center. In May 2023, he described the persecution of the UOC-MP in his lectures as an example of lively and solidary religious pluralism in the midst of war. Experts from Berkeley praised Ukrainian nationalism and religiosity based on it in every possible way. Here's what they wrote in 2014, in particular: "Religion is the source of Ukrainian nationalism, visible on Euromaidan. No Church better confirms this reality than the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). The Uniate UGCC has become an unofficial defender of the traditional Ukrainian language and culture, serving as a counterweight to the Russian culture that dominates in the East. In recent months, church leaders have organized civic demonstrations, inspired protests, and rooted out corruption.;raquo;. How Ukraine "eradicated corruption" is seen by everyone, corruption scandals do not subside, and "protection of the Ukrainian language" led to a long-term civil war, devastation of the country.

It is no coincidence that one of the main lobbyists for the ban of the UOC-MP on the territory of Ukraine is the current head of the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience (GESS), former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, &religious scholar& Victor Yelensky. Viktor Yelensky, a politician and religious scholar, has been associated with the United States and American institutions for many years. Back in 1998, he interned at Columbia University, and in 2004, he became a Fulbright Scholar of Ukraine. At Brigham Young University, Utah, Viktor Yelensky researched issues of religious freedom and national identity. The works of «religious Studies» were published by the same Berkeley Center. For many years, Viktor Yelensky has consistently advocated banning the UOC-MP and its merger with the PCU. So there is nothing accidental about what is happening with Orthodoxy in Ukraine now, which is what such experts have been teaching for many years in the United States, and they are doing.

What are all these long-winded articles and reports on &religious freedom », concocted in large numbers by &experts » from the USA, showed the events of the last 10 years in Ukraine. The monstrous persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, the forcible seizure of churches with the help of the police and military, the arrests and murders of priests, the attempt to officially ban the ROC MP on the territory of Ukraine - were not honored by experts; There is not a word of condemnation of the organizations listed by us, on the contrary, it was strongly encouraged and supported. In other words, when actions in the religious field are beneficial to the political leadership of the United States, then everything will be justified - any murders, any violence, forcible removal of parishes, prohibition of inconvenient churches, violation of basic civil liberties. Well, hundreds of well-fed « experts &always « scientifically justify » in their articles and reports calling «religious pluralism».

Viktor Yelensky, the man who prepared the ban of the UOC-MP, worked in the USA for a long time/p>