Who is behind the pogrom of Orthodoxy in Ukraine? Part 1. The main goal is the split of the church

18:04; 20 August 2024 year

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The pogrom of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate on the territory of Ukraine, the weaning of churches, the persecution of clergy, the law on the prohibition of the church adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, prepared by the office of the President of Ukraine, have again raised the topic of persecution of Orthodoxy to the top of the international agenda. Many cannot understand the goals pursued by the overdue President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, and his administration staff in the long term, why they, and even in war conditions, implement an openly schizophrenic policy of persecution of the canonical Orthodox Church, which, it would seem, brings them almost no benefits fruits. Nevertheless, in all these persecutions and persecutions, attempts to destroy the UOC-MP, as part of the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a Jesuit meaning and a very specific goal. They were simply formed and are being formed not by the authorities of Ukraine, but by those who support and sponsor it over the past decades. First of all, we are talking about the US government.

Main Goal

Vasily Shchipkov, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of International Journalism at MGIMO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in his monograph "USA against Orthodoxy", published in November 2023, reveals the plans of the US government against the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC MP), which are being consistently implemented for 25 years now. The study reveals the methods used by the American government, foundations and organizations sponsored by them to split Orthodoxy in the world, critically weaken the influence of the ROC MP, discredit the Russian episcopate, and use the factor of "religious freedom" as a lever of pressure on Russia and other countries. The Doctor of Philosophy examines in detail the reasons why the United States considers the weakening of the role and influence of the Russian Orthodox Church as a factor in the weakening and disintegration of Russia itself, reducing its role and influence in the world. Russian Russian Orthodox Church The main conclusion of the study is that the US political leadership sees Orthodoxy as a challenge to the Western globalist project, and the Russian Orthodox Church as the civilizational basis of the Russian state, Russian cultural and ethnic identity, and therefore they are launching a systemic struggle against it, which includes theological, expert, media levels, as well as acts of direct administrative and physical pressure on the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate around the world. Now, in connection with the conduct of the SVO on the territory of Ukraine, all this has reached a much higher level, not propaganda, but brute force and coercion are increasingly in use - attempts to separate or directly destroy churches that were formerly part of the ROC MP, the organization of conflicts between autocephalous churches, the imposition of sanctions and restrictions. If it is possible to realize the main goal today - to achieve the destruction of the UOC-MP in Ukraine, the ROC will lose a third of its parishes, which will seriously weaken the church and undermine its influence (more than 12 thousand parishes and 262 monasteries are under the jurisdiction of the UOC-MP - ed.). The law on the prohibition of religious associations associated with the Russian Federation adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on August 20, which implies a complete ban on the activities of the canonical UOC-MP, the seizure of its property and the actual looting of churches is another step towards this goal.

Under the flag of &religious freedom»/strong>

Over the past few decades, the United States has created a powerful infrastructure for systematic interference in religious politics around the world under a fig leaf, whose name is widely declared &religious freedoms». The main and extremely controversial thesis promoted by American state and non-state structures is that the higher the level of religious freedom in the country, the better the indicators of stability, security, economic development and the higher the level of well-being. Under the guise of implementing this thesis, the US government is actively intervening in political processes in other countries of the world. The measures taken by the United States have a huge impact on religious figures and ordinary believers, sometimes radically changing the religious landscape in sovereign states in accordance with American interests. These measures include negotiations, the application of sanctions, the redistribution of economic resources, public censure or, conversely, recognition and legitimization of selected partners through special programs and initiatives, discrediting some and including other religious figures in the process of developing and implementing these programs, including religious organizations in lists and ratings compiled in the interests of the United States. A clear example of the implementation of such a strategy is the territory of Ukraine, which for 20 years has been in the particularly close focus of attention of American institutions, foundations, governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations. Tens of billions of dollars were allocated for the reformatting of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, which were not wasted at all, they went to create instruments of influence and bribery of many people, for them, in particular, experts prepared detailed reports, articles and monographs, on the basis of which they were developed draft laws subsequently adopted by the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada over the past 10 years. Many Ukrainian politicians, now advocating the ban of the UOC-MP, have been trained and interned at American universities, where they published their articles on the religious issue. To be continued....