Two former FSB officers were sentenced to 9 years in prison for taking bribes from Catholic priests

15:30; 17 August 2024 year
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Two FSB colonels were convicted in the case of a bribe of 20 million rubles, which they received from Catholic priests. This unusual case is reported by the newspaper "Kommersant".

As far as we know, we are talking about two former FSB officers, Colonels Yevgeny Lobanov and Denis Karmanov. They were both charged under part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code (receiving a bribe on a particularly large scale), the punishment for which provides for up to 15 years in a penal colony. Earlier, the former chekists were arrested by the decision of the 235th garrison military court. 

Bribes for patronage were extorted from the abbots of the Church of St. Louis of France on Malaya Lubyanka Street in Moscow. There are not many details about the case. It is only known that the defendants in the case received nine years in a high-security colony. In addition, ex-FSB employees were stripped of the ranks of colonels, each of them was also fined 39 million 369 thousand 360 rubles, that is, twice the amount of a bribe, and also deprived of the right to hold public office for three years after serving his term.