Vladimir Putin signed a law on a monthly allowance for pensioners over 80 years of age and the disabled of the first group

09:04; 09 August 2024 year
Freepik Company

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Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on a monthly pension increase of 1,200 rubles for pensioners over 80 years old. The same surcharge will be assigned to the disabled of the first group. The new law will make it possible to include in the pension of citizens of these categories a compensation payment for those caring for them.

According to the chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, from January 1, 2025, citizens who turned 80 years old, as well as people with disabilities of the first group, will receive 1,200 rubles in addition to their pension every month. You will not need to write any statements for this. The specified payout will be assigned automatically.

This supplement should help pensioners and the disabled, as it involves payments for compensatory care for them. The surcharge will be constantly indexed.