Gas supplies from Russia to the EU countries through the Turkish Stream gas pipeline increased by 40%

09:19; 06 August 2024 year


Gas supplies from Russia to the European Union (EU) countries via the Turkish Stream gas pipeline increased by 40.5% in January-July 2024. This is reported by Vedomosti with reference to data from the European Network of Gas Transmission System Operators.

In annual terms, Russian gas supplies increased to 9.26 billion cubic meters. In July of this year, gas exports along this route exceeded 1.5 billion cubic meters, which is 29% more than in June and 9% higher than was delivered in July 2023. The average daily pumping level for the month was 48.9 million cubic meters. In August last year, this figure was 49.4 million cubic meters.

From Turkey, Russian gas goes to Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to Hungary. From these countries, gas is already freely bought in other EU countries. In other words, Europe depends less and less on the Ukrainian GTS, gas transit through Ukraine.