In Russia, a new competition will be celebrated every year - The Capital of Financial Culture

19:01; 27 July 2024 year
Правительство России

© Правительство России

Russia will host the annual All-Russian competition «Capital of Financial Culture», it is reported on the website of the Government of the country. The aim of the competition will be to evaluate the achievements of the regions of Russia and to determine the best regional project in the field of improving financial literacy and shaping the financial culture of citizens.

The resolution approving the procedure for holding such a competition was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. In particular, it is known from the document that during the qualifying stage, a special commission will consider applications from regions with information on the results of activities aimed at improving financial literacy of citizens. This commission will consist of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and other organizations, and its co-chairs will be the Minister of Finance and the Head of the Central Bank of Russia.

The competition will be held as part of the implementation of the Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy and forming a financial culture until 2030. It was approved by the Government in October 2023.