Tatspirtprom did not rule out the opening of a joint production of liqueurs and tinctures with China

16:25; 25 July 2024 year
АО «Татспиртпром»

© АО «Татспиртпром»

Российский производитель алкоголя «Татспиртпром» рассматривает  the possibility of opening a joint venturemanufactured in China with its partner. Tatspirtprom already supplies its products to China, but the Chinese market, apparently, is not ready for Russian vodka yet. 

As reported by RBC, the state-owned holding Tatspirtprom plans to start joint production of an alcoholic beverage with its Chinese partner Egma, this was stated, in particular, by the head of the company Ruslan Maksudov. It is known that Tatspirtprom has been doing business in China for a long time. Its local partner Egma has already launched 11 branded stores &Tatspirtprom» in this country.

The issue of creating a joint production is currently being discussed, however, according to Maksudov, the Chinese market is not yet ready for Russian vodka, as well as consumers in Russia for the traditional Chinese drink baiju.The difference in organoleptic preferences in Russia and China is too great. So most likely, if a joint production is created, it will be a business for the production of tinctures and liqueurs.