The German newspaper Handelsblatt writes that the sanctions policy of Western countries against Russia ended in failure

09:30; 22 July 2024 year


The German edition of Handelsblatt writes that the sanctions policy of Western countries against Russia ended in failure and brought nothing but damage.

According to the newspaper, at the moment the Russian economy continues to grow rapidly. First of all, thanks to the growth of the military industry, which attracts all other industries with it. And no restrictions from the EU and the United States can prevent this, although more than 18 thousand sanctions have been imposed against the Russian Federation.

And in the future, the situation for the West of the EU and the United States will only worsen. Russia will begin to participate freely in world trade again, even now its participation is great. And regardless of how this will be treated in the European Union and the United States of America. Moreover, the sanctions have caused significant damage to the EU countries, as oil and gas prices have increased in price.