Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Timur Ivanov asked to be released from custody

15:56; 20 July 2024 year


Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Timur Ivanov, who is currently in jail &Lefortovo» in the case of receiving huge bribes, asked to change his preventive measure. This is reported by the publication RIA. It is known that Ivanov is asking to be sent under house arrest, since he is a participant in hostilities.

Timur Ivanov himself and his lawyers asked the court to take into account the exceptionally positive characterization of the former Deputy Minister of Defense, numerous state awards. Well, also the fact that « he is a direct participant in his own and is under sanctions from all countries of the world ». It is not known exactly how Ivanov participated in his work and in what specific capacity.

Meanwhile, the court considered that these arguments were not enough, and Timur Ivanov was extended his detention until September 23.By all indications, he will remain in custody until the start of the trial.

Recall that Timur Ivanov is accused of receiving huge bribes in the amount of 1,185 billion rubles in the form of construction of luxury housing for him.