The military-technical forum "Army" was reduced to three days in 2024

12:15; 12 July 2024 year
Сайт форума «Армия»

© Сайт форума «Армия»

This year, the traditional exhibition of the military-industrial complex – International Military-Technical Forum &Army-2024» will be reduced to three days instead of a week as it was in previous years. This follows from the official announcement of the organizers of the event.

The Forum will be held from August 12 to 14 at the Convention and Exhibition Center &Patriot». The events on the day of the official opening of the forum will be held behind closed doors, and it will be possible to participate in the next two days with business tickets.

The program of the forum includes a plenary session, a scientific and business program addressing issues of a national and global nature, as well as an exhibition of military equipment and civilian products of defense industry enterprises.