Three Russian banks will be removed from the list of systemically important organizations, we are talking about Rosbank and Raiffeisenbank

11:02; 10 July 2024 year
Freepik Company

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By the autumn of this year, the Central Bank of Russia may adjust the list of systemically important credit institutions (NWCS), Rosbank, Otkritie Bank and Raiffeisenbank will be excluded from it.». This is reported by the newspaper Vedomosti, citing its sources close to the Central Bank and interlocutors in the banking sector.

Speaking about the reasons for excluding banks from the list of systemically significant for Russia, sources of &Vedomosti» refer to the fact that «Rosbank» is in the process of integration ;with «T-Bank» (former «Tinkoff»), and «Raiffeisenbank», which is«the daughter of» Austrian «Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), has been under pressure from EU regulators since 2022, demanding that it curtail all its activities in Russia.In addition, the bank &Opening » will soon be excluded from the list after it is finally absorbed by &VTB».