Russia has resumed coal exports to China through the North Korean port of Rajin

10:20; 09 July 2024 year
Freepik Company

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Russian coal traders have resumed coal supplies to China through ports in the DPRK, then the fuel will go to the world market. This is reported by the publication «Kommersant ».

It is known that 132 thousand tons of coal were shipped from Russia to China through the North Korean port of Rajin in April-May of this year. The last time coal supplies to the DPRK in the amount of 15 thousand tons were reported only in 2021, but in 2011-2017. The Russian Federation actively sold coal to China.

Loading through the port of Rajin, which is not under UN sanctions, allows you to bypass congested routes to the ports of the Far East and can increase supplies to China by 2&3 million tons of coal per year. Coal from China may well enter the world markets.